Almost 2 months… Sincerely I wish there are someone who advise me or put some tips in their blog about the after married life. For me, things seem to be so different from when we were dating. I always believe that we don’t have to change the way we are, it just that we have responsibility towards our partner, take care of each other.
We fought a lot, I cried a lot. “Don’t tell other people about problem in marriage” had left me feeling alone & confuse…
Slowly Allah show me the way, Han is back to who he is – that special person who always treat me like a princes. Talked to a few great people & a good friend – I feel relieve. Me & Han – we back to agree to disagree on everything again.
In the end I realize that I want to be with Han - grow, learn, explore, running, jumping, laughing, crying, walking, eat and drink, shopping? The road ahead is not easy but I have you & you have me.