:: I WISH I KNEW... ::
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The anterior fontanelle (bregmatic fontanelle, frontal fontanelle) is the largest fontanelle, and is placed at the junction of the sagittal suture,coronal suture, and frontal suture; it is lozenge-shaped, and measures about 4 cm in its antero-posterior and 2.5 cm in its transverse diameter. The fontanelle allows the skull to deform during birth to ease its passage through the birth canal and for expansion of the brain after birth.
While the posterior and lateral fontanelles are obliterated by about six months after birth, the anterior is not completely closed until about the middle of the second year. Full ossification starts in the late twenties and finishes before the age of 50 .
One day during our ride back home from shopping i noticed that Alayna have some sort of soft spot in her head. Dah sampai rumah after we park our car, i show han the soft sport & to our surprise the soft spot move like medidih gitu... I'm so scared as my baby head like ada alien inside it waiting to burst out, i can't even look at it twice. We decide go to clinic right away, since dah malam most children clinic dah tutup + it's sunday, so we head up to Putra Medical Centre Sg Buloh, my bersalin hospital.
When we show doctor the spot & he said it was normal without any hesitation. I told him that it's move and he still said it's normal, what!!! why no one ever told me about if it normal!! according to him if he inject a needle he can pull out a brain fluid from it... nak pengsan dengar the statement. The doctor write down anterior fontanelle on a piece of paper & ask us to Google about it. Happy with his explanation but i still confuse with what is that spot.
The nurse yang attend to us with the doctor pun told us that it's normal, her son closed his at 1 years old & that there are some child that where it's open up to the forehead, where you can really see the full hole in the skull. We pay RM22 that night for our ignorance.
Goggle about it and yes it's definitely normal but sampai sekarang i can't look at the sport on Alayna head takut sangat. Her nanny pulak suka letak bedak on that area, oh my you can clearly see it moving.... I fully understand now what is ubun-ubun & why nyawa baby is there.
Kalau org tua dulu2 suruh baby pakai topi kan..takut ubun2 kena sejuk and demam, or kena bite insect. Maybe that's the reason..they know it's fragile, but they don't know how to explain scientifically ;)